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136 W 8th Ave
Eugene, OR  97401

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CLICK HERE for Directory of KLCC Staff & Volunteers

General Information:
 Contact   Phone  Email 
Announcer   541-463-5522  
Business Office   541-463-6000  
Development   541-463-6005  
Engineering   541-463-6010  
FAX   541-463-6046  
Food For Thought   541-463-6022  
General Information   541-463-6000  
Membership   541-463-6020  
Microbrew Festival   541-463-6000  
Music   541-463-6004  
News   541-463-6022  
Pledge Line   1-800-922-3682  
Programming   541-463-6003  
Toll Free   1-800-922-3682  
Underwriting   541-463-6005  
Webmaster   541-463-6030  

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