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Mist Covered Mountain

Sunday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Hosted by KJ McCleary

Music with roots in Ireland, Scotland and throughout the British Isles; music of the Celts around the world, including regions of France, Spain, Brittany, Cape Breton Island, Canada and America. Songs rich in stories and history; tunes for dancing; music for thought.


Leslie Hildreth hosted Mist Covered Mountain from 1990 until March, 2010.  KJ McCleary assumed hosting duties in May, 2010.  KLCC would like to thank Leslie for her 20+ years of volunteer service to public radio, and welcome KJ to the host position.  Best of luck to both of them!  Slan leat, Leslie!

Send an email to KJ, the new host of Mist Covered Mountain




Mist Covered Mountain theme music is "Walsh's Hornpipe / The Old Torn Petticoat / The Banks of Ireland," by Kevin Burke and Michael O'Domhnaill, from the recording "Promenade."


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