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Jazz Inside Out

Doug Anders
Host Doug Anders [Photo by Andrew Vertal]

Thursday 7:30-10:00 p.m.

Hosted by Doug Anders

This weekly romp through the ever evolving Art of Jazz is your opportunity to hear the latest recordings by established Jazz artists, learn of new talent on the scene, listen to reissued jewels, and catch an occasional interview or live performance given by regional and national contributors to Jazz.  For exposure to the full spectrum of styles, instruments, and hues offered in recent releases, Jazz Inside Out is the place.
Host Doug Anders has been a KLCC listener since moving to Eugene in the early '90s.  In 2004 he began substitute hosting for jazz and many other KLCC shows.  He started hosting Contintental Drift, KLCC's Progressive Rock and Jazz-Fusion program in 2007.  His first Jazz oriented program was on community radio station KAOS 89.3 FM in Olympia, WA while he was in High School.  Doug is a poet, writer, concert reviewer, counselor, career coach, and owner of PurposeWorks in Eugene. 



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