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City Club of Eugene

City Club
City Club of Eugene -- where minds come out to play

Monday 6:30-7:30 p.m.

City Club of Eugene is a membership organization committed to building community vision through open inquiry. The club meets every Friday at noon, usually at the Eugene Hilton Conference Center. 


City Club Program Schedule* - KLCC airs each meeting on the following Monday.

KLCC's Audio Archives - Listen to the most recent City Club broadcasts. 
[KLCC keeps about 3 months of archives on our server at a time.]

Tapes of past City Club meetings are available at the reference desk of the Eugene Public Library. For more information call (541) 485-7433.



 *Note: In an effort to provide accurate program information, we are directing our listeners to the City Club web site rather than listing their schedule on our site. The City Club site provides detailed descriptions of their guests and topics, and any last minute changes to their schedule. KLCC broadcasts the City Club meeting of the previous Friday.  For example, if the meeting takes place on Friday, April 20, KLCC airs it on Monday, April 23.


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