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Photos on the Home Page -- with captions!

Eugene photographer John Bauguess was in the KLCC studios for a couple of days in June, 2008, to capture our staff doing what we do... making radio.

He followed us around as we worked at our desks, hosted our shows, fiddled with equipment, searched through the music stacks, edited news stories, mailed out tote bags, socialized in the lobby, and generally went about our day in our beautiful new building. 

The photos are currently in rotation on our home page.  In case you are wondering who's who, all the photos are viewable below -- with captions!  Click on any photo to enlarge it and view the caption, or just "mouse over" a photo to see names. 

Enjoy the show!


 Click on any photo to enlarge it and view the caption, or to begin a slide show.

Angela Kellner & Rachael McDonald

Carl Woideck

Chris Heck

Andrew Bartholomew & Claude Offenbacher

Don Hein

Gayle Chisholm

Kris Fox

Gayle Chisholm & Kris Fox

Hal Hermanson

Don Hein

Michael Canning

Michael Canning

Jes Burns

Sudio & audience

OBF All Stars

Dylan Hicks

Dylan Hicks

Peggy Flormoe

Sallie Holloman Leadon

Shirley Valentine

Sallie Holloman Leadon

Steve Barton

Tripp Sommer

Tripp Sommer

Frank Gosar

Railroad Earth

OBF Audience

On Air Studio

Angela Kellner & Rachael McDonald

Andrew Bartholomew

Andrew Bartholomew & Claude Offenbacher

Railroad Earth and Liz Wise

Jeffrey Ogburn, Ethel Weltman & Frank Gosar

Paula Chan Carpenter

Becca Bartleson, Jes Burns & Angela Kellner

Ethel Weltman

Ethel Weltman, Jeffrey Ogburn & Frank Gosar

Steve Barton

CD Stacks

PRNDI Awards



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